Justin Bieber Wiki

Robert Caplin was Justin's photographer.

When he got the call to photograph Justin Bieber, he didn’t have a clue who Justin was. His editor told him that Bieber was a star born and discovered through the magic of YouTube and subsequently R&B artist Usher took Bieber under his wing.[1]

He tours with Justin all around the world and takes as many photos as possible. Harper-Collins published the book, First Step 2 Forever: My Story, with about 150 of his photos along with text written by Justin himself talking about his transition from a normal kid to international social media celebrity and touring music sensation.




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  1. Robert Caplin Photography - Justin Bieber: All-Access
  2. [https://www.facebook.com/robertcaplin/photos/a.418388826207.218915.27521791207/10150210088986208 Facebook - Robert Caplin Photography: My picture printed on the limited edition Justin Bieber Beats by Dre headphones.]